I've been obsessed with hair removal ever since I was a kid. When I wasn't allowed to shave or wax, i tried to use tape and scissors to get rid of hair...needless to say it didnt work.

My legs are little bit less hairy then Moniques, but they are still hairy as fuck!
I absolutely hate hair, I have a weird phobia when it comes to hair, i hate it.
Feminists can kiss my hairy legs! because I really like my legs to be smooth and sexy and thats my choice...

So I paid a trip to sallys, after my sister updated me on waxing at home. I use to use Veet ready to use Wax strips, but i switched to hot wax after a talk with my sister.

Having tried
Sugaring, which really didnt work for me, and didnt even pull 2 hair out, I was skeptical to try GIGI all purpose HONEE, thinking it would be sugaring...I picked up Suddenly Smooth wax (Aloe Vera and Deluxe Cream formula)
For the 2 years that I've been waxing myself with strip wax after Veet, i had great results but the hair almost always grew back within 2 days..i was sick of it...
The hair were breaking, they werent being pulled properly and i had these hideous bumps after..which is okay considering i yanked the hair out of my skin..but seriously stubble after pulling the strip is proof enough!!
I deserve Smooth legs!

I just went to sallys today and picked up GIGI All Purpose Honee after researching it extensively, and I couldnt wait to come home and try it... I waxed my face, even though there wasnt much hair on it, i had a regrowth...and wowwwwwww GIGI pulled out those little tiny hair with ease and minimal pain...compared to DELUXE cream wax..which pulled my skin out too....I didn't prep with anything but regular baby powder...and it worked soo well..

I will update when I wax my legs, I'm saving up the hairyness for valentines day, so I can be smooth and perfect for my date..even if the wax doesn't work...i know ill have smooth legs for that day alone..:D
I will also be using GIGI SLOW GROW so will review that too:D